Company profile
Name Unified Risk Institute Co., Ltd
Address 20-5, Sanbancho, Chiyodaku, Tokyo
CEO Miki Uemoto
Number of Employees 6 (and some external assistants)
Business Outline Comprehensive services related to risk management
(1) Research, analysis, and creation of ISO and risk management
(2) System and information security audit and attestation
(3) Planning, creating, and managing websites
(4) Holding lectures and seminars as well as publishing educational materials
of e-learning


テーマ・分野 資格・スキル名 該当者数
ISO等 ISO9001,ISO14001 4名(他、支援者数名)
ISO27001,Pマーク等 4名(他、支援者数名)
ISO22301,ITIL等 2名(他、支援者数名)
英文対応可能者 2名(他、支援者数名)
監査等 公認情報システム監査人(CISA) 2名(他、支援者数名)
公認金融監査人(CFSA)等 1名
JAPHIC審査員 1名(試験合格)
その他コンサルティング 産業カウンセラー 1名
語学等 英語 TOEIC900点以上 2名(他、支援者数名)
フランス語その他外国語対応 ご相談に応じます。



The Current Creation Status of Our Integral Management System

May-Apr 2015 Created Information Security Management System (ISO27001) as the first priority to secure customer information.
Apr 24, 2015 Obtained certifications of ISO 27001.
May-Sep, 2015 (planned) Creation of Quality Management System (ISO9001) exploring effective structures of consulting operations, management, and marketing for small business.Conform to ISO9001 Examining implementing a subsidy as the method of ability development.
May-Aug, 2015 (planned) Creation of Environmental Management System examining environmental policies for small-sized offices.Conform to ISO14001 and Eco-action 21.
Jun-Sep, 2015 (planned) Information Security and Cyber Security Measures developing substantial educational systems, including external supporters.
July-Oct, 2015 (planned) Creation of privacy-information-protection systemsintegral management for privacy information and my-number systemsConform to P-mark and JAPHIC mark.

(Last Update: June 13, 2015)

Tool sales

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